Hey All (Pat included!)

I want to THANK YOU, all of you from the bottom of my heart for all of
the wonderful comments you have sent my way about the songs and poems
I fiddle around with. They mean SO MUCH to me, you will never know how
much it means to me. I'm just a regular ferret mom, just like everybody
else and you guys have made me feel special(and THAT is a mountainous
statement coming from me, cuz i have the self confidence of a gnat!!)
I am honored that you like my stuff, enough to make my eyes fill with
tears writing this to you. You are all amazing people and I care about
you so much.

Thank you again, You are the reasons why I can still write, you give me
the confidence to let it happen. (I don't really write my poems, they
just kinda write themselves and pop into my head. I have even had a
whole poem pop into my head while I'm driving and I had to pull over
onto the side of the road to write it down or I'd forget it! If I
though you didn't like them, I wouldn't let those poems happen like
they do. (Be kinda stupid to keep writing poems if people hated them
now wouldn't it, Hee hee??!!)

Off to bed go I, my heart full of happiness, and warm fuzzy feelings
because of you, all of you. Where would I be without you?

Bless you, and thank you for this gift you've given me.

Happy Holidays (time for another mangled poem!) so keep scrolling down.
Hope you like it.


Let it Blow!
Sung to the tune of "Let it Snow!"

Oh the weather outside is frightful
and my coat's not so delightful.
It's time to start letting go,
let it blow, let it blow, let it blow!

Oh it doesn't show signs of stopping,
I lose more when I start hopping.
My coat's getting thinner so,
let it blow, let it blow, lewt it blow!

When it finally starts to stop
I just hate goin out in the storm
I need fur from my toes to top
then all the day long i'll be warm!

Well I've finally stopped the shedding,
but the furballs I am dreading,
But the Ferret-lax helps me so,
let it blow, let it blow, let it blow!!

[Posted in FML 7999]