The day was finally here! Chrissy and the girls were busy running from
room to room inspecting everything as only the VIF's can do (Very
Important Ferrets). They ran to the "Big Room" and stared with awe at
the monstrous Big Green Thing with the twinkling lights. There were
shiny things on it that just beckoned to be played with. As usual,
their Hoomans had placed a few just so on the bottom limbs. Madeline
Poof was the first to reach it and yell "my nose is the blackest so I
get to go first, ha!" She jumped and jumped and then the rest of the
VIFs joined in until finally all those shiny things were theirs,
rolling all over the floor.

Halle B dove under the "Big Soft Thing at the bottom and yelled "I'm
a shark, I'm a shark, catch me if you can". Meanwhile, the Boys were
doing boy things checking each wall for intruders then into the good
food smell place where they made Boo Boo eyes at the Hoomans and rolled
on their backs to get yums and scratches. This was a tradition passed
down from hob to hob. After all, a boy's got to eat to keep up his
manly rolly pollyness!

Chrissy was playing with a shiny thing but she just wasn't quite into
it. She could not understand it but somehow something wasn't right.
What was it? She thought and pondered, the Big Door in the Big Room
where they liked to do their "do not trespass into my home" poop kept
coming into her mind. "What could it be", she asked herself. A present
for us maybe? Another Hooman? Finally, she went to find help. She ran
to her special Hooman and tried to get her attention but all the
Hoomans were laughing and talking. Frustrated, she finally did a "flat
ferret" to try to think.

Skor, having eaten a lot of yummy egg, was nearby relaxing. He asked
Chrissy "what's up wid ju"? Chrissy said "a Hooman needs ta go tooz
da Bigz Doorz buts Iz keep tryinz an dey won't go". Skor stood up and
stretched, "let a Hob take carez of dis". He looked around for the main
Hooman. "Ok heerz goes! Eberbudy helpz"! All the ferrets at once dash
into the food place dooking and dancing to get everyone's attention,
and it worked! Now Skor, being the big, fat six pound Hob that he is,
grabs onto the main Hoomans pant leg with his teeth and holds on,
pulling towards the Big Door. The Hooman laughs at first as Skor likes
to play like this, but then realizes he's not letting go and trying
very hard to pull her. She slowly goes where he wants with all of the
other ferrets gathered around until they are all standing at the Big

"What", she asks. Chrissy then suddenly jumps at the Big Door.

"Ok" she says, wondering what in the world has gotten into them. She
opens the door......

It's been snowing overnight and several inches of fine white snow is
covering the porch and the yard. It was still snowing and with all of
the Christmas lights from the neighbors houses it truly looked like a
winter wonderland. The Hooman looked outside but didn't see anything
and started to close the door. She stops as she detects a slight
movement on the porch. She looks closer and there lying in the white
snow is a pure white little albino ferret. She jumps out the door and
grabs the little girl up fearing the worst. But a miracle, she's very
cold but still alive! The Hooman rushes into the house yelling "quick
warm some blankets, warm some soupie"!! Slowly during the day, the
little ferret warms up and eats some soup and starts to come around.
She's a very sweet, gentle girl and later quickly integrates into the
VIF club.

Chrissy and the others gather round the new little girl. She's been
named Grace by the Hoomans which fits her fine.

Chrissy asks "where didz youz come froms and wasn't it scary being out

Grace looks down slightly as she's still very shy and says "I don't
memberz myz momz much az Iz wad berry youngz whenz Iz wad takenz fromz
herz to beez wid a bigz bunches ofz udder babies likes meez. Iz stillz
miss herz doh" she says with sad eyes. "Den Iz memberz being inz a bigz
box ands realby scaredz, den inz a glass place till Iz was takenz by
Hoomans tooz lives wid dem"

"Dey hadz children and werez busy all da timez and sometimez forgots Iz
was inz my cage buts I gots foods most of da timez. "Den anodder Hooman
came andz gots meez and its wad okayz till a girlz Hooman came to da
place and shez no likes meez. "One dayz, whenz da udder Hooman was
gonez, she grabbed meez ands threws meez outs of da carz". I landed
on da soft green stuff sooz Iz wad okayz but myz paw hurts some".

"Iz beenz wandering around a longs timez but der wad somes cats food Iz
founds and snowz to eats. I wad sooz coldz and tiredz an des decidez
tooz go tooz sleeps cause Iz din wants to keep goinz".

"Den, rights befores I laids downz a bright beautifullz ball of lightz
suddenlyz appeared"! Itz wad so prettyz andz somehowz Iz knewz toz
foloowz its, so Iz didz." I keptz followinz itz and keptz goinz eben
doh Iz waz sooo tiredz and itz stopped at dat Big Door". I laidz down
and da next ting Iz knowz you're Hooman waz grabbinz meez."

All the VIFs stood around Grace and marveled at her story, thanking the
light that saved her and brought her to her forever home with them.
They thought of all the other ferrets out there without soupies and
warm hammies and silently made a wish around the Big Green Thing for
all of them. All the VIFs then snuggled down in their special blankies
all wrapped around Grace so she would never be cold again and went to
sleep as only ferrets can do.

Merry Christmas to all with a special wish that each and every ferret
could somehow never be cold, hungry or thirsty and had a loving forever
home to call their own.

Njp December 2013 

[Posted in FML 7998]