Okay, I know everyone is going to think I'm making this up, but trust
me, I'm not. I have a good friend in the Ferret Community, Marlene
Blackburn, of the Richmond Ferret Rescue who I've known since I got my
first ferret in 2006. Her advice and direction as to how to properly
care for my fuzzies over the years has been as valuable to me as if it
had come from an Exotic's Vet Specialist, actually moreso since I moved
from Richmond to rural North Carolina where "we've" had to practically
train my Vet in fuzzy care.

As I do every year at this time, I sent Marlene's shelter kids a
Santa box but when I didn't get a delivery confirmation call, I got
concerned. Marlene's always amazing about thanking me for such gifts
but I mailed the box before Thanksgiving and as of this Sunday, three
weeks later, I still hadn't heard from her. Then out of the blue, I get
a call from Marlene this Monday telling me she's in the hospital and
had been since the day after Thanksgiving with a destroyed hip. She had
fallen down some "cement" steps outside on her patio that afternoon
and was found still unconscious that evening by the mailman who was
delivering my Santa box to her door. I thank God that the box didn't
fit in her mailbox or he, or anyone else, wouldn't have found her in
time to call 911 and get her to the hospital. It's cold in Richmond
this time of year so her body temperature was down to almost critical
and the doc told her she wouldn't have survived an overnight out on her
patio. Early Sunday morning, he had her in surgery replacing her hip.
She's now doing very well and got to come home yesterday. One of her
shelter mom's, Karen Lamb in Brandy Station VA, has taken Marlene's
shelter kids while Marlene recovers, but it could be for some time
while Marlene learns to use her new body part. She jokingly told me
this morning that she can't yet bend at the waist so the only way
she could even pick up a fuzzy would to be with her metal grabber.
Probably not a good idea! But if I know Marlene, she'll be driving
her home-therapist nuts to get her back into shape so she can get
her babies back.

I hope the Ferret Community will reach out to Marlene and the folks at
the Richmond Rescue with well wishes and any support they need in this
very difficult time. All of their current information is listed on the
SOS site. 'Tis the season for acts of kindness and if any group of
people can rise up with amazing kindness, it's the Ferret Community!

Happy Holidays to everyone! If you haven't sent out your Santa boxes
yet, DO IT! They are truly used in amazing ways and bring everyone
involved the great joy of the Season.

with Pebbles, Minnie, Sassy, Dolly, Bodie and Andy

[Posted in FML 7993]