Thank you Nancy for posting about Libby's accidenton he 16th. I did
hear from her and she had gone to work on Monday. I have a friend who
recently moved to Houston who is an excellent massage therapist. I have
offered to have her see my friend and help her deal with any pains that
often develop with time after things like this happen. A Christmas gift
to her. She was sore when she wrote me, so I expect she is more sore now.

All you seamtresses will get a kick out of this: she had been to JoAnn
Fabrics to deal with her fabric addiction and before the tow trucker
driver hauled off her car, he dropped her by her house to unload her
material and other values from her car! LOL Feel better Libby and don't
let anything happen to that material!

If you would like to drop her a note of kindness I know she often posts
on the FML under this e-mail address: [log in to unmask]

Happy holidays,

Today is the best day to do a good deed.

Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 7992]