Here is not a song mangled, but instead a poem I wrote last year for
Christmas. I hope you like it.


The Christmas Ferret

Twas born a Christmas ferret,
and he was named "Noel".
He seemed to be quite normal,
as far as one could tell.

The sad would come to see him,
the worried would come too.
They'd come to him with troubles,
they'd leave feeling brand new.

You see he had a special gift,
that not all ferrets had.
He knew how to replace with good,
the sadness that they had.

He helped all beings, furred or not,
to those he'd lend an ear.
But not only at Christmas time,
he helped throughout the year.

Dear Christmas Ferret we thank you,
our love we give to you,
for all the ways you give yourself,
and all the things you do.

[Posted in FML 7991]