I found this post interesting along with the percentage breakdown of
where ferrets originate from when taking in rescues.

I would like to encourage shelter directors to come together and draft
a letter signed by as many directors of known shelters and mail that
to the President of PetCo and Petland. I firmly believe if whomever is
making the decision to sell ferrets at these stores sees numbers and
stats from shelter directors such as how much it costs to care for
a rescue and how quickly they end up in rescues they may reconsider
selling ferrets. I know many directors can recite to you off the top of
their head all of these statistics without even having to look them up!

If owners write to these two stores it will have impact if;
1) it is explained to the very delicate nature of the VERY young
   ferrets they sell
2) the very critical need to be feed a very high quality kibble or raw
   diet. Shoot, their stores don't even carry any of the top 5 kibbles
   on the "More Dooks" kibble chart!
3) And finally, executives at these store need to understand that vets
   with extensive ferret experience sometimes cannot be found nearby
   an owners home.

I will add that I do not purchase supplies for ferrets at either store
because the two near me have empty shelves that stay poorly stocked all
of the time. I now support private bedding sewers and will purchase a
new red octopus from time to time. As owners become savvy parents they
find you don't even need to buy anything for ferrets. Blankets, boxes,
bags, large mail envelopes, tubes on and on, don't have to be purchased
from these two stores. I won't even discuss the awful cage selection
they stock - or don't stock. Meaning what they stock is not even
appropriate for one ferret - or three or four.

So if you decide to write a letter I urge you not to bash and call
names! Educate them on ferrets and the intensive care required. It is
with great hope that they either slow down the numbers they sell and
drastically improve their kibble selection and definitely train their
employees on ferret care.

When people come together and demand change, change will occur!

Lindsey Tootle
Dallas, Texas

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can
change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret
Mead (best-selling American cultural anthropologist and author).

[Posted in FML 7990]