Hi all..I am new to the FML and enjoying the site and exchange of
ideas and info.

I have had ferrets as companions for over twenty years and have had
a couple regrow their fur. I have two vets, one conventional and the
other totally holistic. I use both as needed depending on the
circumstances. My Gracie was diagnosed with adrenal disease on the
right adrenal. Her symptoms were severe hair loss on most of her body,
exhaustion, excessive water consumption, and extreme hostility on her
part where there had been none before (caused I was told by hormone
imbalance), so much so that I had to separate her from the others.The
conventional vet opted for the implant but after reading about it on
line I declined. I called my holistic vet and she immediately sent me
a combo of chinese herbs which I administered three times daily and am
continuing to do so. The results have been amazing. She has regrown all
her hair except for a small spot on her tail, her activity level has
improved greatly and the aggression has stopped and she is now back
with her four ferret buddies. There are alternatives to conventional
medicine but you have to be extremely careful when to do what and
always consult a highly experienced vet before you "try" anything
holistic as well as do a lot of research on your own. I am also a
wildlife rehabilitator and I have had some wonderful results with
holistic medicine over the years where I had been told there was
nothing else that could be done.

I hope your little one continues to do well, Mike.
Sue K
New York

[Posted in FML 7989]