(open letter)

Hello, all, you might not remember me, I used to be "half" of The
Ferret & Dove Sanctuary, Inc. while my now-deceased husband Wes Hurley
had been alive and had to close our shelter and Sanctuary completely
after his death. Meanwhile, even though I have a much more severely
limited income and no car, I still have found a way to help S.O.S.

GoodSearch.com has many ways and means for those who have nothing but
the wish TO help to simply click and do so. One way is by searches,
another newer way is by playing the games they have set up for
GoodSearch members to work up money for their chosen charity (or
school). With each of these tools and some of my time, I have been able
(over the past several months) to work up over $20.60 for my "chosen"
charity, which is your S.O.S that helps so many good,actual other
shelters in need. Just for myself, I really have not got two cents
to rub together, but i feel VERY good about still being ABLE to do
something to help a legitimate charity THAT helps other animal
shelters, especially in times of extreme need. Of course, one does
not have to choose the same charity as another, many other worthy
non-profits are listed among the GoodSearch charities for any member
to choose from, including most schools so that if one might rather
donate one's pennies to one's children's or grandchildren's school,
this may also be chosen.

Now to complete my intro, here is the memorial page recalling my
husband and the greatest, best work of his life (he often had said
this) ....Scroll down on this page to find The Santa Ferret and her
story! (with a photo of Santa holding the white ferret named Secret! :)


[Posted in FML 7966]