I'm going through a divorce and due to my new budget I cannot afford to
take care of as many critters as I have. It makes me extremely sad to
do this because I feel that a home is a forever home. But at the same
time I understand the responsibilities of being an animal parent and
know that not being able to take them to the vet and feed them optimal
food and so forth is not in the best interest of the critter. I want
the best for all my babies so I know the best thing to do is adopt 
them to someone that can not only give them the love that I can, but
all the financial luxuries that are required to keep them healthy.

I have two female ferrets that I would prefer to be together and two
male ferrets that I would prefer to be together. Then I have one older
ferret that could go alone or with one of the pairs.

Females are...

Juliette: Blaze, not deaf. She was found roaming in a friend's yard in
Ybor City in January. I suspect she is about 2 years old.

Cliana: Dew, is deaf. She was found on a friend's back patio in the
spring this year in Belleair Bluffs. I suspect she is only 1-1.5 years

Both girls are extremely sweet and lovey. I can scratch behind their
ears and get them to fall asleep in my lap. They also are both
extremely playful. They will chase me all around the house with their
weasel war dance hop!

Males are...

Pete: Dark Sable. He is extremely curious, crafty, is a climber. He
full name is Sneaky Pete because he is always finding things to get

Billy: Cinnamon/Sable. He is VERY attached to his human. He gives the
best ferret kisses and will clean my face almost every time I pick him
up. He loves being adored and will pout if I don't give him attention
when I see him. He is definitely the alpha ferret in the tribe though,
even with the cats and when he lived with dogs. he is fearless and I
have watched him push the cats away from their food bowl just to do it.
So his full name is Maniacal Billy because of this.

The boys came together to me about 2 years ago and they were not quite
a year when I got them. They came from another home where the owner
could not afford to take care of them due to divorce.

Badger: Sable. He is around 5-6 years old and came from a young girl
that mother threatened to throw him outside in the wild. He clearly has
Adrenal because he is pretty naked. Very sweet old guy, mostly just
sleeps and eats now, and begs for ferretone.

If by some miracle all 5, or even the 4 younger ones could go together
I have a Ferret Nation cage with linens and accessories that can go
with them. This model here is what I have.

All the ferrets are used to other ferrets, cats, dogs from Chihuahuas
to Great Danes.

***I also have 4 cats I need to find homes for if there are any kitty
lovers out there. Heathcliff, male orange tabby about 2 years old.
Valeria, petite kitten size female watermelon tabby, about 1.5-2 years
old. Dishes, small female tuxedo, about 5-5.5 years old. Calliope,
petite calico female, about 3 years old. All spayed/neutered. All
have been either strictly indoor or indoor/outdoor. Most prefer most

For more information and/or pics on any of above please contact me at
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Thank you for any help.


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