I have read many animal cruelty stories about ferrets here on the FML,
but for some reason Brigid's story affected me deeply. I cannot imagine
people just watching a ferret sit in a cage all day, let alone watching
her starve, or looking at an empty water bottle (if she even had one).
I can't imagine the callousness of the people who could do that.

I think what strikes me is it was so unnecessary. This ferret wasn't
beaten out of anger. You might somehow be able to rationalizeit, come
up with some kind of ignorant reason for it to happen if it was. It
hadn't escaped and been mauled by a dog. This was no accident. This
ferret was ignored as if it were invisible.

They could have taken her to the pound, animal control, a rescue,
the humane society, hell.. even put her on Craigslist so someone
would *know*. They could have bought some cheap food, cat food if
need be. They could have done a number of things. They could have
done something, anything. Instead, they did nothing and watched this
poor ferretslowly turn into a skeleton.

I am betting no one will be held responsible. I am betting Brigid's
owner doesn't really care that much. And if her owner *does* care,
then shame on them for their neglect, and allowing Brigid to be in
the irresponsible hands of those who let her starve.

Thank you for trying so hard to save her, Troy. I am so sorry they
left this unnecessary heartbreak for you to clean up.

Albuquerque, NM
Roscoe, Blue, White, Blackie, Hei, and Bai

[Posted in FML 7953]