
Only one ferret per posting please! Pictures should be on one ferret
only; you may mention other ferrets in the Bio area, but the name and
picture must be for only one ferret. Any posting found to be invalid
will be immediately removed. And yet again, please remember that no
personal ferrets may be posted on the Tree.

So, I hope all you shelters/rescues/hospices/sanctuaries are making
your list and getting pictures of all the ferrets you plan to post! As
many ferrets on the tree as possible should have a picture. Any shelter
that puts too many ferrets up without pictures (less than half have
pictures) may risk being temporarily suspended or removed. So get to
snapping those pics! If you don't have a camera, ask a friend, use your
camera phone, use your friend's camera phone, just make sure you have
a picture for each ferret! That's what tends to sell the ferret to the
prospective Santa!

If you need help, you can email [log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
and someone will help you with whatever you need.

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, complaints,
or compliments!


Melanee Ellis
Ferret Giving Tree Admin.

[Posted in FML 7930]