Hello Everyone,

Please be sure sure to check out the wonderful article written by
Marylou Zarbock. Just scroll down the page to read the section on the
Ferrets of the FML calendar and to see the cover photo. Marylou has
done a fanastic job on the article.


Thanks goes to Marylou for including the calendar in this great
article. Also, I want to thank everyone again for making the calendar
possible. Your support is what has kept it going since 2002.

Special thanks goes to the Ferret Depot (http://ferretdepot.com/)
for being a loyal sponsor.

Don't forget to support Ferret Depot, who supports ferret shelters with
their shelter discount program. But everyone that shops this week-end
at the Ferret Depot will receive a free N-bone Ferret Chew Treat with
$35. or more order. Ferret Depot always has some wonderful week-end
specials so be sure to sign up for email deals if you aren't already.

I will be shipping calendars out next week so please go ahead and get
your orders in now. If you have any questions please email me.

Thanks again,
Sharon B. for SOS

[Posted in FML 7947]