I agree with you about ferrets being extremely perceptive to our pain.
My Nicholas, who passed two years ago, would lay his body across any
inflamed rheumatoid joint that hurt me the most when I got into bed at
night. He would drape himself over my right knee, for instance, and lay
very still for a minute or two, as if testing it. We know ferrets don't
remain quietly still for minutes at a time. Then he would hop off the
bed and take himself off to sleep in his favorite spot in the drawer.
This happened too many times for it to be coincidence. And frequently
different joints.

Once I fell asleep on the sofa and remained there overnight. In the
morning I felt him jump up on the sofa and because I didn't want to
get up right away I kept my eyes shut. I felt him climb onto my chest
and guessed he was staring at my eyes, seeing if I was awake. Then he
draped himself flat across the left side of my chest and stayed very
still. I can only guess he was feeling for my heartbeat. After a
minute he got down and went on with his morning routine.

I often wonder how so much intelligence be contained in those tiny
little skulls.

Lorraine Lordi

[Posted in FML 7941]