For the second time in as many months our family is overcome with grief
at the sudden and unexpected loss of our dear DEW "Spot". He was named
that because he had one black spot on his flank. He was young, only
3.5-4 as we welcomed him into our ferret family as a rescue several
years ago. I called him my "upside down boy" because he loved to lay
in my arms and look at the world upside down!

He was up and very active and playful yesterday and there was no
indication that anything was wrong when my wife put the kidz to bed
for the day. Last evening, at 8 pm when she went to get them up, both
Sophie and Mike were curled up on top of Spot trying to keep him warm.
He had passed suddenly during the day.perhaps from a sudden seizure as
his tail was bottle brushed and he was stretched out. This is a
terrible tragedy in our lives because it was so unexpected in a ferret
so young. and I will keep this short because I can't even really type
this right now.

He goes to meet his recently departed buddy.Monty (Another DEW rescue)
and all the other tribe across the Bridge. ABBA (the Dancing Queen)
and Bubba as well as New Guy, Rascal, Bodie, Blizzard and Beeper will
be there waiting with his new forever wings (that will allow him to fly
upside down at will).

God Speed little precious boy

Your forever parents.Putorius and CP

There are only 2 left now. Mike and Sophie (both rescues), and we
honestly do not think we can ever get more after they are gone to the
Bridge. There is simply too much heartbreak in losing such a precious
fragile creature.

Here's to fins in the water, feathers in the "fyne air" and tails in
the tall summer grass.

[Posted in FML 7902]