By now, most of you have read that the Greater Chicago Ferret
Association shelter has announced that they are under quarantine
due to an outbreak of distemper.

This has been publicly announced by the shelter on their website at

What was depressingly predictable is that there are already rumors
being floated about what may have happened, what their plans for the
future might be, and more.

There are people asking if they should blame the shelter or publicly
attack it.

This is incredibly hurtful to the shelter that needs to be spending
200% of their time fighting for the lives of the ferrets that they
have in their care, not doing damage control from thoughtless rumors.

Please, if you haven't heard something announced directly by the board
or the director, DO NOT pass it on.

If you feel that it's something that the public needs to know, then
please contact the director/board yourself and get the straight story.

Kevin Farlee
Washington Ferret Rescue & Shelter

[Posted in FML 7895]