My ferret has a gallbladder infection and high liver enzymes. I think
she may have ibd. My vet prescribed Baytril after we have tried other
mess that didn't bring the levels down that much. Is baytril safe for
ferrets??? I am worried about the side effects. They seem awful.

Please help

She has elevated liver enzymes and thickened gallbladder wall and
thickened bile. She is currently on Ursodiol and milk thistle. They
also suspect a possible gi problem, Ibd. She has seedy stool sometimes
with mucus. I have ordered new food without chicken. Bc alot of ferrets
have a chicken allergy. I am feeding her carnivore care in the meantime
and her stool looks normal. But she is lethargic. I am worried that
whatever is going on with her is getting worse

[Posted in FML 7906]