Maybe I can help. Back in October of 2010 I found that a momma cat had
decided to have her litter of kittens under my deck. I found them by
accident - looked over at the deck when getting in the car one day and
saw 5 little heads peeking out at me. At the time all I could do is
utter my favorite 4 letter word - fu......

Since I had no experience with cats I called all the agencies in my
area and surrounding area trying to get help in catching everyone. Most
couldn't bother to call me back - one did 5 days after I had caught
everyone. I guess since everyone was full they were afraid I wanted
to add to their numbers.

The kittens were about 6-7 weeks old, starting to come out to explore
and look for food. I went out to pick up some canned food. I had a
havaheart trap so I set that up close to where I saw the kittens with
an opened can of food in it. Watched the kittens walk in the trap, eat
and walk back out. They were too small to tigger the trap. Damnit!

So I got one of my bigger ferret carriers (one with a door on the top
too so I could see in), took the front door off, set it up with the
food and stepped back. I watched momma kitty come out to check the
carrier then one of the kittens bravely stepped in to eat. I did this
for a few days so the kittens would get comfortable eating in the
carrier. Then I added the door back for a day or two. And I started
standing right next to the carrier while the kittens came to eat. First
momma kitty would check out the carrier then one kitten would go in.
I decided it was time so I closed the door. First kitten caught. Went
to get another carrier, transferred the first kitten to the second
carrier, put the original carrier back with the food. Momma kitty can
up with another kitten. This went on until I had caught the 4 kittens.
At that point kitten number 5 was AWOL so I left momma kitty out for
the night to see if the missing kitten would be there the next day.
Sadly that kitten never reappeared, most likely succumbed to one of the
other predators living in and around my property. I was able to use the
same process to capture momma kitty too - just had to slam the door on
her butt to get her in the carrier.

I set up one of my Martin ferret playpens in the basement, put momma
in with the kittens and she rolled over to let them nurse. She wasn't
feral, she most likely was dumped on my street or escaped from the
cat hoarder lady who lives 2 miles away. Anyway, got everyone fixed,
tested, and shots thru Metro Ferals in Carroll County MD. Adopted out
two of the kittens and kept Momma Kitty and the other two kittens, a
gray tabby male I named Zach and a black calico female I named Cami.
Since I caught them while they were really young they never had the
chance to pick up the wild feral habits.

Sorry this is long but I hope it helps you capture your kittens. Good

Vickie McKimmey

Just a Business of Ferrets
American Ferret Association
Director of Shows and Special Events
Author of Ferrets: An Animal Planet Pet Care Library Series Book

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