Thanks Sukie, I had been asking if we had any follow-up info on this
vaccine but never got an answer with any published info since Bob
Wagner presented at the Symposium. So it was very good news to read

For those wanting more specific info regarding the vaccine study you
can use this link. Thanks again BIG for setting this up for us through
your involvement in the IFC.
Once you link in go to Robert Wagner's info on adrenal. The study
specifics are available there in the power point.

In Jackie D's comments in the yahoo link form Sukie, if I am recalling
this right, one of the reasons for the lumps forming when they first
began to administer the vaccines was that prep had not been done in
sterile conditions. Once they changed that they did not run into lumps
developing at injection site.

Hopefully, the manufacturers and participating vets will keep prices
low enough for this to be affordable for the average ferret owner.

Cathy Ryan

Today is the best day to do a good deed.

Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 7869]