I just ran across the posting, "It's a dirty job.....". I had a ferret
several years back who's name was Stretch. Those of you who have been
on here for a while may remember his Hay Day. He loved to run cables
through conduit. I would put a walking harness on him, hook high test
fishing line to it and turn him loose. We used Ferretone instead of a
dead rabbit. I would place a couple drops of Ferretone around where I
wanted to him come out and blow into the conduit and wait. In no time
this little twitching nose would appear followed by 2 little beady eyes
saying "OK, I smell it. Where's the rest of it?" I would then remove
the fishing line from Stretch and pull a more heavier line known to
electricians as "Fish Tape". This would then pull the heavier Cable

Stretch became quite a Celebrity, appearing on TV, News papers and
various publications. Stretch was irreplaceable when it came to "Y's"
or "Intersections" where the cable had to take a certain path and exit
at a certain opening! Though he speeded up the cabling process, over
all production slowed down by everyone else stopping to watch the
Ferret work!

He received $20.00/Hr. back in the early 90's when 20 bucks was worth
something. This kept him and his 3 cage mates in the "Lap of Luxury"
with all extra being given to a local Ferret Shelter.

In Fond Memory of Stretch the Ferret Electrician.

?-10/12/96 (estimated 9 yrs old) I had him for his last 7 yrs.

Mike w/Hanna, Missy, Jeffery & Thumper

[Posted in FML 7864]