On 8/22/13, R D <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Nell, I travel light. A couple of suitcases and my animals would be
>more than enough for me. Leave the suitcases and run!

Hi Renee --

Yes, I know many people do well traveling light. I'm the opposite -- I
love having things. "Love" isn't even the right word -- perhaps "rely
deeply on having things" is it. Not considered a cool characteristic,
but it's me, deep down.

I doubt that anyone here is going to accuse me of witchcraft -- after
all, I'm "just a foreigner" -- but I might still decide to leave
without my things because this whole situation is making me crazy.

Yesterday in AA I got good and bad news at the Ministry. The good
well outweighs the bad -- e.g., I can sell the car before closing the
business, so of course I'll just leave without closing it! Also, the
ex-criminal car buyer knows people at the police station and knows how
to bribe them (Yow), and is no longer so impatient that the sale is in

The bad news is that, since the sales-invoice/receipt pad had 3
unused, the gov't is charging me tax based on 3 times the amount of
the largest amount I've ever billed. What can I say, other than
#$@&^%!!! and that they love levying fines. Also, as you've already
seen, thievery is a national past-time, so they assume that I am
hiding 3 sales to avoid paying taxes.

For animal transport, Lufthansa has the best prices and one of the
best services, but its baggage restrictions are steep: One suitcase
and one carry-on. Extra baggage charges are steep. $200 for the
smallest item, $750 for the largest, which is not very large.

I've got very little back in the US--brought my things here in 2008.
To lose it pains me. Just imagine figuring out what to take that will
fit in one suitcase and one carry-on. Shoes and boots that fit my
twisted-up feet, my computer, camera, sewing machine+tools, exercise
machine (oh that machine is glorious, but what am I doing listing it
here -- !), things I've had for up to 50 years, the clock my parents
bought on their honeymoon, clothing I love, bedding that comforts me
and correctly supports my neck and back and hip problems, snapshots
(including my father's from WWII), my Persian and other rugs,
important books, tax papers, beloved clothes, dishes, and costume
jewelery, etc etc. ETC.

But I am still hoping I'll get to sell the car, and then I can send
some things as cargo.

If not, I unpack everything that's boxed up and make some exasperating
and painful choices.

[Posted in FML 7885]