I have lost Jeep. He suddenly lost allot of weight but he ate well.
Last week I got up and found him sleeping on the floor under a
bedspread I don't use in the summer. I picked him up but he was not at
all active as usual. I put him in the cage on his favorite sweatshirt
rag but he never moved and that is where he lay till he breathed his
last. He was such a good little guy.

He now is buried in the back with the others. And of course I really
miss his company sleeping with me.

I now have a new ferret I have named Mukluk. He has white feet and
ankles that look like mukluk boots the Eskimos wear. He sleeps with
me like the others and walks all over me in the middle of the night.
He loves to just crawl all over my head back and forth over and over.
Maybe he will get used to that and find something else to entertain
himself with other than my head in the dead of night ! Ha! He eats like
a horst and weighs almost 3 pounds. He is old for a store bought fert.
When I go to take him out of the he will run for the litter box and do
his business before I take him out of the cage. How can you ask for a
better ferret than that!!

I just cannot be without a ferret. Mukluk already knows his name. I
know that where I will be talking to him but his attention really perks
when I say his name so he hears my voice but recognizes his name.
Amazing ! He keeps doing tax calculations on the calculator but is too
early to be of any use. I just make like he did a good job so not to
disappoint him.

Gordon and Mukluk
_12-2Addy CEO

[Posted in FML 7884]