We are coming to this crossroads in our lives. My kids are close to
leaving the nest. My husband has lost his zest for ferret-owning. We
live in an area where our closest knowledgeable vet is 75 miles away.
And our income has been reduced and job security is less than it was.

We have three little girls left. Lila is 9, Clara 6.5, Emma 5. All
"elderly" according to ferret statistics. Tell that to Emma. :) But
because we don't have qualified ferret-sitters nearby, and because
we can't vaccinate all of them due to multiple reactions, we are
trapped -- we can never go anywhere, not even to visit family 4 hours
away. So I understand why my hubby is over it.

But I've had ferrets continuously since 1989. How do I live without
them? I've had them for most of my life. How will I cope? There are so
many toys/cages/things I'd have to get rid of...I think my heart will
break to do it. But I have agreed that these will be our last three.
Unless...I am truly miserable.

So I understand what you are going through. I'm scared for the future,
because I'm scared of how life will be after ferrets. And it may be
there is NO life after ferrets at all, and we get another fuzzy because
my heart can't stand it. But thankfully I still have a few years before
finding that out.

Amy, Dave, Sarah and Paul
And their gaggle of giggling ferrets
RIP Ian, Elektra, Claudia, Sidney, Max, Hannah, Fritz, Fiona, Felix
and Rory
Missing Tasha

[Posted in FML 7877]