I got an email back from Performance Foods today. Below is a copy of
it. No real explanation about the inconsistency or dangerously big size
of the kibble in the 30 lb. bag that I recently received. So, all I can
say is 'buyer beware' from this point forward. But since we have all
heard of ferrets choking to death on kibble, I hope that if nothing
else, then at least awareness of this danger has been raised by this
issue. We have enough health concerns about our little ones without
having to worry about possible death from their food.

In Loving Memory of Neo, Sweet Sylvie, Trinity, Morphy, Baby Girl,
Dozer, Possum, Pip, Pop, Sabrina, Minnie Mouse, Hunny, Misty, Frodo,
Baggins, and Mr. Parker
Caring for Luna, Boomer, Zoomer, Bella, Gemini, and Pinky

We received your email on Monday morning when the office was opened. As
you are the only person to contact us with this issue we have spent the
last 2 days contacting other customers and researching to see if this
issue exists elsewhere.

The response that we have had is that you are the only one with this
issue. All Performance Foods products are, as they always have been,
100% guaranteed. This product should be returned for a refund.

As we are unable to predict the future, it cannot be guaranteed that
you will never be unsatisfied again.

We wish you the best of luck with your ferrets and their other food.


Liz Lovins
Performance Foods, Inc

[Posted in FML 7844]