Usually I do not add more kibble to the feed dish until Jeep cleans out
what is in there, usually bits and pieces. Today I was walking by the
cage and Jeep was frantically pacing back and forth and then he ran
straight to his feed bowl and shoved his head in it. I checked and for
sure there was only a small amount of bits and pieces in there. For
sure he was telling me WTF ! My bowl is empty and I need to E.A.T.!!!!!

I swear if he knew how to talk he would have yelled at me big time to
add kibble to his bowl! I store the kibble in empty kitty litter
plastic jugs, those 2 1/2 gallon jugs and keep it in my freezer till
the one for filling is empty. When I go to where I keep the jug Jeep
gets excited and if he is sleeping no matter how deep a snooze he is in
as soon as the kibble hits the plastic Dunkin Donuts cup Jeep springs
to life to watch the process. He is amazing about that.

So with the dish filled with fresh kibble Jeep is again calmed down and
ready to rip some toy to shreds. Such a guy !

_12-2Addy CEO

[Posted in FML 7837]