Sarah Senior Reporter
Daisy Cub Reporter
June/July 2013

Sarah Here: Hey Daisy do you know we missed doing the June news? YUP!
YUP July is here, Mum only has one more week off from the Big Yellow
Thingy and she goes back to work, and here we are doing two news
reports in one.

Daisy Here: Aye, yie, yie where did June go Sarah?

Sarah Here: Part of June was getting ready for clinic and then having
our clinic day, then Mum having the crazy hours for the Big Yellow
Thingy because it was almost summer vacation for the two legged furless
kids. Hey Daisy wasn't clinic day a hoot? Man O Man there was humans
and ferrets all over the place! What a great day it was! Here is the
link to the pictures Miss Wendy took that day.

Daisy Here: I know it was a crazy day. My far away mom came to take me
out to spend the day with her. I had a great time. Before clinic day
we had tons of help to get things ready for the big day, Miss Donna D,
Miss Iliana B, Miss Jackie R, Miss Tori G, Miss Patty S., my far away
mom Marcia C. and Miss Wendy she is the reason we had so many donations
for the raffle table; she works all year long to get folks and
companies to donate to our cause. Miss Lee W. got the group Buffalo
Beader's to donate some of the jewelry they made, wow they make
beautiful stuff!

Then clinic day was upon us in no time. Miss Mary B, did our auction
again this year, Miss Patty S, Miss Mary Ellen B, manned the ticket
sign in table; they got to have their far away boys out with them.
Frankie and Jenkins spent hours sleeping in the arms of their far
away moms after seeing OFD. Miss Pat N, Miss Peach V, Miss Loana S
were all "hands on" clinic day. Of coarse Our Favorite Doc was here
to do check ups and hurt sticks with Zinan supervising at the medical
table. Zinan was here representing Facebook Emergency Canine Distemper
Medical Fund - Part 2 They raise funds by folks sponsoring one of
their traveling "plush" ferrets located in one of 3 regions (UK/Europe,
US/Canada, Australia/Oceania) and post images of their adventures to
the group. LFFR/S got to help kick off the shelter Canine Distemper
program for FACT.
 We had humans owned by ferrets from all over the state! Our "rent a
shelter fur kid" for the day is a new fund raiser; this was just the
second event we were rented, we had 10 of us shelter kids that got to
go outside to spend the day.

When we came back in we were POOPED! Faraway fur kids got to spend the
day with their families too, except Titch his family lives in NM so
they sent his rent money so anyone that was here could bring him out
for the day; Miss Mary B chose to bring Titch and her far away fur kid
Honey Bunny out for the day. Ramona, (mom) Alicia and Kaylor the new
family that wishes to adopt Hammy and Pickles had them out all day
long, the family and fur kids had a ball.

Sarah Here: We have had campers already this summer Miss Jackie brought
her two boys over for a few days. Miss Susann brought her 5 fur kids
to camp too. They are now headed to the west coast way out where Miss
Lynne W. and Miss Jennifer B live. Mum is going to miss them but she is
happy they have a new adventure in their lives.

We have had several fur kids found out running about on their own, when
humans found them they contacted Mum for help. One of the families that
helped a little guy was Miss Holly and her sister Miss Alicia; they
delivered the lost kid from Macedon where he was found out running
around. Miss Holly said he was covered with ticks; he still had some
when he got here so he was treated as soon as he got to the shelter.
Miss Holly said she and Miss Alicia picked over a 100 off him. The
girls named him Paisley Mum liked the name so he got to kept it.
Miss Holly, Miss Alicia and their mom Miss Deb are long time shelter
supporters and have adopted from us a couple of times. Here is a link
to Miss Holly the first time she and her family adopted from us in
2003; she is all grown up now
And then again in
the girls are all grown up now

Paisley/Radar's mom found out he was here with us so she came to pick
him up from Newark NY, he only had to spend one night with us. The
little guy did some traveling while he was wandering about from home.
He traveled 12 miles just to get from where he lived to Macedon NY.
This was a very happy ending for a lost fur kid and his mom. Mom was
thrilled to have him back and he sure seemed to be happy to be back in
her arms, so the boy is home. Here is the reunion

Miss Brie M picked another fur kid up for us in Greece NY he too was
covered in ticks. Miss Brie kept him until she could get him in to see
Our Favorite Doc (OFD)

Miss Brie bathed and picked ticks off him, she named him Youi ( You
eye) but mum could not seem to keep that name in her head so she named
him YOYO - Miss Brie brought him to Naples on Clinic day and he went
home with the Keenen's that same day! Keenen's also took Luna and

Daisy Here: Another family brought their fur kid for surrender,
Crumpets came in on clinic day, Miss Ili and Miss Tori signed her in,
Mum and Miss Ili had agreed that Crumpets was going to go home with
Miss Ili that day. Mum says that was a good day 2 fur kids came in 4
fur kids went out! Another new kid came in from the Long Island area
Mum says; he is a black sable male, a real cutie, a very happy and busy
boy. His name is Chip; he will be going to live with Miss Tori next

Mum will be doing a home visit on Saturday for the family that wants
Hammy and Pickles, so that will mean 2 more fur kids are going to a new
4-ever home! Mum is on a roll this summer. Mum got word that Snowy's
far away mom is going to come to Naples and spend some time with us, we
are really excited that she will be here to hang out and play with us.

Sarah Here: Hey Daisy remember the day little Maggie went missing and
Mum was going crazy looking for her? Mum goes really wild when one of
us goes missing especially when we are gone for several hours. Mum
started looking in other play areas that she was sure she could not
have gotten into but decided to look there anyway. Mum found her on the
porch with Frenchie and her sisters; Maggie must have slipped under the
gate when Mum was putting the 3 other girls out there. Mum was relieved
to find Maggie; Maggie was not thrilled to have found herself on the
porch with 3 of the other fur kids so she was relieved too.

Well Daisy it looks like we got all the notes Mum left for us put
into the news this was not as bad as I thought it was going to be
2 newsletters in one month is a lot of words don't you think?

Daisy Here: I think it is time for us to say goodbye for this month we
only have a few more days before Mum has to go back to work so I want
to make the best of them. So for now cyber friends you have a safe
independence week and enjoy your family and friends

Sarah and Daisy

Brenda Johnson
Shelter director

[Posted in FML 7837]