My 8 yr old Dweasel is going thru the same thing. He had his deslorelin
implant in April this yr.

And last month lost a lot of fur on his butt, tail and back. Plus all
of his guard hairs shed this spring and never grew back so what was
left was just peach fuzz. He had left adrenal surgery 3 yrs. ago. He
also has insulinoma and heart disease. My poor guy! He has hind end
weakness but gets around.
Diazoxide o.4 ml  2x day
Prednisolone 0.25 ml. 2x day
Isoproterenol 0.15 ml. 3x day

My ferret vet in Baltimore suggested a melatonin implant, which we got
him last week. Since deslorelin just suppresses adrenal but is not a
cure, the melatonin may boost this action.

And already, Dweasel has sprouted fur on his back and little butt. I
know it's just a matter of time but for now he's on the upswing.

Since the melatonin implant is cheap it certainly won't hurt to give it
a try. You can give melatonin Orally at 1 mg. 7 to 9 hrs after sunrise
each day but this is somewhat difficult for most of us.

Best of luck to you.

Lorraine in Virginia

[Posted in FML 7861]