Hello FMLers --

I am waiting on other people yet again -- the next step in selling
the car requires 5 people present for some hours at Road Transport
Authority. No overlap of the lawyer, the buyer, and his witness this
week, and the lawyer doesn't yet know his schedule for next week. I
and Abrahame, my witness, can go just about any time.

But the delay is just as well -- I am taking meds for amoebic
dysentery, and they are rough on me, so I'd rather not be running
around. Either the latest main med for the disease isn't available
here, or the MD in Holeta didn't have it in his pharmacy.

Meanwhile the rainy season is progressing -- while most of you are
sizzling in the summer heat and the vegetation is browning, we are
chilled and everything is lush and green. The cattle and donkeys,
sheep and goats have been giving birth and getting fat.

I am resisting unpacking my cold-weather clothes!

[Posted in FML 7857]