We have a ferret named Piccolo who has chylous ascites. Tests done on
the fluid did not show lymphoma but that doesn't rule lymphoma out. As
with every where money is tight and we can't afford the exploratory
surgery and biopsies to confirm lymphoma. Even if we confirmed lymphoma
and treat it (with pred or another medication) its my understanding
that his time is very limited. His litter mate Oliver is an emotional
ferret who takes the loss of any ferret very hard and he is bonded with
his brother Piccolo. I have ideas on how to help ferrets cope with the
loss of a friend but I would appreciate other ideas so when the time
comes I am prepared to help Oliver. We haven't give up on Piccolo but
our options are limited.

Any ideas on what we can do when the time comes to help Oliver



[Posted in FML 7856]