I have seen maybe a handful of chylous ascites cases, and always
involving lymphoma. Was cytology run on the substance to confirm if it
was chyle or pseudochyle? I have seen one case where pseudochyle was
present and the ferret was found to have mycobacterium infection on

You might also consider cardiomyopathy and heartworm in your
differentials. I'm not sure how lymphoma/neoplasia was ruled out,
but you might consider posting your bloodwork/lab results to FHL
for further discussion as well.

In any event, I would consider frequent monitoring for organ
dysfunction since routine drainage of true chyle fluid could result
in electrolyte and volume insufficiency, among other things.


Bonnie Tormohlen/Vet Tech
Managing Director
Northern Arizona Ferret Alliance & Rescue, Inc

[Posted in FML 7854]