Here I am knowing danged well that Ferret-Free Zone is FFZ and yet i
kept writing and search using FZZ. I guess i just prefer ferret FuZZ
to Ferret-Free on a basic level.

I am in new glasses suited to my altered eyes since the acuity,
pressure, and healing in the worse eye finally improved enough for new
eyeglass lenses and after over two months since surgery can finally
focus my eyes together, though the bad one is largely blind. The
glaucoma worsening this year has that eye down to central vision and
the problems w the surgery reduced the acuity, plus it being such a
large bleb means I have lasting glare problems and on and off blurring
of the eye, BUT my pupils are now almost the same size after having the
operated on eye dilated for so long, I am no longer seeing double and
blurred, no longer having constant low grade nausea from the messed up
vision, no longer having on and off dizziness from it, and no longer
falling asleep multiple times a day from eye exhaustion.

So, I have begun tackling a bunch of things that could not get done
since early May and feeling good about that. Also, I am learning new
tricks suited to the problems remaining, with shades, task lighting,
glare cutting fitovers and goggles, magnifiers, and hats all coming
in handy and being used each day. You should see me at the computer w
flip down magnifier goggles over my glasses since so many things like
bookmark bars have small lettering. I must look like an escapee from a
Neil Stevenson novel. My head gets turned a lot which is probably good
for mobility, and I have decided that one truly sad thing must be
having one eye and crick in the neck, so have to take good care of
both eyes and neck. Yes, I am becoming a floppy hat fan, too!

Kessy still forgets that there are places where I will not see her
and gets a gentle kick now and then, but the older two have it mostly
figured out. They still bring me their toys a lot, along with many
kisses. Pivot walks on my back to return the favor after I give her
a backrub, too. One day one of them decided that I needed special
spoiling and moved all the bills I had laid out on the bed for paying
to the floor below my living room chair. We still have not figured out
why that apparently had to be done, but at least we found them. In
their own ferret ways they are nurturing me.

[Posted in FML 7849]