There is a list but it hasn't been updated in years.

As you will see on the list, laws keep changing. Just because ferrets
are legal in a state doesn't mean they are legal in all counties or
cities. When we moved back stateside I had checked with the local
ferret shelter about legality. Then there are ths stupid things, like
I know they are legal in New Jersey but you need a permit. Some places
even have restrictions on the number of pets you can have, though I
think that usually applies to dogs and cats.

Another thing, if you are able to take it into consideration, is the
quality of vet services in the area. Nothing worse than moving
someplace and finding out the vets know nothing about ferrets.

The best bet is to come up with a list of possible places, post it and
see what people say. Not only can we provide input on ferrets, but area
information too like in Southern California traffic sucks big time and
earthquakes are no fun to go through.


[Posted in FML 7848]