Thanks so much to everyone who responded about a stair solution for
Edgar. I think I am going to use clear dryer hose-type tubes, since as
several people pointed out they aren't hard to cut into with regular
scissors in case of emergency. JJ, I really like your idea of using the
cup hooks and twine, especially since I have wood baseboard molding
that runs the length of the stairs and will hold screws well, and then
it would be easy to remove the tube when we have guests who need more
maneuvering room on the stairs.

With regard to gates, something also on my mind at the moment, I
thought I'd mention I ordered a book called "How to Build a Pet Gate or
Baby Gate Using Supplies from your Local Hardware Store: 2nd Edition"
by Cheryl Campbell from Amazon. It's available in both hardcopy and
electronic versions. I haven't received it yet, but it looks like it's
full of good ideas for easily built custom gates. Ferret owners could
modify the designs so that the spaces between vertical elements are too
narrow for a ferret to get through but still allow for airflow. When I
(eventually) get a gate built, I'll share the results.

and Edgar

[Posted in FML 7813]