From The Magic Ferret's latest Indiegogo fundraising announcement:

"Bryan Cranston from the wildy popular AMC show Breaking Bad wishes
us luck! Bryan has donated this autographed headshot which reads
"The Magic Ferret, Good Luck, Bryan Cranston".

We are going to enter everyone who has donated to The Magic Ferret
IndieGoGo campaign into a raffle, and gradually add more and more to
the prize pack as we bring on more sponsors and acquire more headshots.
When we film, we will put all of your names into a top hat and film one
of our actors pulling a name from the hat. The winner takes all! ...
Anyone else who donates between now and June 22 ANY AMOUNT will be
eligible to win!"

So if helping to make a short film that shows ferrets in the most
positive of lights or getting your name in the credits isn't enough to
convince you to donate, maybe getting a package full of swag will sway

The campaign has raised almost $12,000 so far, and is hoping to reach
the stretch goal of $15,000. The extra money will go towards entry
fees for film festivals, publicity and improved production values.

Remember you only have until June 22 to donate!


[Posted in FML 7823]