I've been using Lupron for my adrenal ferrets for the past 10 years
and have been pretty happy with the results. my vet is suggesting that
I try using the deslorelin implants (
http://www.virbacferretsusa.com/about-suprelorinf-implant ) for my
ferrets instead.

I've looked up posts from the FML & FHL on the implants, but am not
seeing a lot of information on long term use. I'm just wondering if
anybody has experiences with using the implant long term (2 years or
more), if it works, and how well it worked for them. I'm also curious
to know if anybody had the implants not work for their ferrets. My
understanding is that the implants last about 6-8 months (although the
manufacturer recommends new implant every year), and generally are not
removed, so any ferrets that have have been on the implants for more
than 2 years will have 3 or more implants (or do they really dissolve
as manufacturer says?). Another thing I'm curious about is dosage.
Lupron works for my ferrets at different dosages, some ferrets needed
a fairly high dose to before seeing its effects. Deslorelin is one
dose for all ferrets regardless of size, so how does this work? Do you
replace implants for larger ferrets more often? what do you use as a
reference for when you need to put in a new implant?

For the record, I have been happy with using medical means to manage
adrenal disease in ferrets before resorting to surgery, so I am not
looking for recommendations on getting surgery instead of deslorelin
or lupron.

Thank you for any information you care to share.


[Posted in FML 7789]