OK, I'm alittle behind on postings here....but did I miss someone else
getting freaked out about this?! I went to this hand-crafted goods site
(ETSY.COM) and searched for "ferrets". There are tons of great items
availalbe - from people clothing to ferret clothing to art....all kinds
of goodies! And then comes up a thumbnail photo of an actual dead
ferret for sale....and then another....and then photos of dead ferrets
for sale and a skull and then a ferret penis bone!!!!! Now I'm not sure
why anyone would want a preserved, dead ferret....but should it be sold
on this type of site? And, really, I don't want to see a thumbnail
photo of a dead anything! I try not to judge, but the shock of seeing
these things next to a bedding set was .... I can't say. I certainly
skipped ahead and missed whatever was next to it - sorry if your
handmade ferret item was listed and I didn't nsee it! Whether a dead
ferret or a dead piglet or ?....I would've been just as shocked.
Multiple, close-up photos and no warning that you're about to see
them.... wow

[Posted in FML 7787]