>From:    Meryl Anne Faulkner <[log in to unmask]>
>I was a little surprised that the ferret mentioned in a post about
>Blue Wilderness cat food had a problem. However, it may have been the
>only food used I suppose and the ferret just ate too much or had an
>individual problem.

I have to agree with Meryl

I have fed Blue Wilderness Duck formula because of a cat who has
pimphigus. Both cats and ferrets eat the same mix here. Both are
obligate carnivores and have similar nutritional needs. I have noticed
no problems with allergies or slow digestions and had no blockages. I
also feed Chicken Soup for the Cat (and for the kitten) Lover's Soul
for the last 3 years.

I started with the CSFCLS by accident and with a ferret we had that had
a HUGE spleen, who had been on first one, then another antibiotic, then
a combination of antibiotics for progressively longer terms (1 week, 2
weeks, then a month). He was about to be scheduled for surgery when I
put him on the CSFRCLS and in 1 week his spleen returned to normal size
and he was very active and healthy afterwards. I admit I was amazed,
but I know what happened.

So I'm surprised to hear bad reports of the Blue Wilderness, because it
has been fed both with the CS and independently.

I do however intend to contact Blue Buffalo and ask about their
ingredients and from where they get them. After the 2008, and onward,
fiasco I do not want anything that originates in China.

Vicki Montgomery
Tricks and Treats Rescue
Greater Houston/Galveston Texas
713-472-6599  [log in to unmask]

Click to feed shelter animals:

[Posted in FML 7780]