I know a Blue Buffalo rep who works in the local PetCos on weekends and
sent her the post about the BB problem. This is her reply.

"Carol, what many people don't know that the little bark pieces are not
kibble but vitamins. These vitamins are cold formed and not heated at a
high temp so the vitamin nutrient is not cooked out. It is not kibble.
This should not be eaten by ferrets and if anyone was giving them this
Wilderness or any other kind of dry BB food they should take the dark
(life source bits) out of the mix. It is too strong a vitamin for such
little ones. Then they will only end up with the chicken kibble. That
is why it looks like it is coated, it is. Evo also makes a ferret food
that is the exact ingredients as the cat...no difference. Even the
associate at Pet Health told me and we looked up the ingredients, it is
the same just the name on the front of the package is different and the
ferret sells for $5.00 more."

Of course, EVO has its recall problem but that is not the subject of
the discussion.

Carol J. Owens
Ferret Friends, Inc.
Tucson  AZ

[Posted in FML 7780]