Consider purchasing a NOAA Weather Radio with the tone alert feature
for your home. NOAA Weather Radio is the best means for receiving
warnings from the National Weather Service. The National Weather
Service continuously broadcasts updated weather warnings and forecasts
that can be received by NOAA Weather Radios sold in many stores. NOAA
Weather Radio now broadcasts warnings and post-event information for
all types of hazards - both natural (such as earthquakes and volcanic
activity) and technological (such as chemical releases or oil spills).
Working with other federal agencies and the Federal Communications
Commission's new Emergency Alert System, NOAA Weather Radio is an
"all hazards" radio network, making it the single source for the most
comprehensive weather and emergency information available to the
public. Your National Weather Service recommends purchasing a radio
that has both a battery backup and a Specific Area Message Encoder
(SAME) feature, which automatically alerts you when a watch or warning
is issued for your county, giving you immediate information about a
life-threatening situation. The average range is 40 miles, depending
on topography. The National Weather Radio signal is a line-of-sight
signal, which does not bore through hills or mountains.

How would you know what was coming if, say, you were sound asleep? With
a NOAA Weather Radio in your home, that wouldn't even be an issue.

For as little as about $30, this technology could save your life and
the lives of your family members, including the wee ones with fur.


[Posted in FML 7805]