Many years ago one of our vets, an exotics only doc, and I had an
interesting discussion concerning heartworm and ferrets. Heartworm is
not yet a problem in the 130 degree dry summer heat in Las Vegas, but
we go into areas where it is and I was concerned about the ferrets.
What we do get, and twice a year, spring and fall, are ear mites. The
treatment for everyone in the house was always the two dose course of
ivermectin, sub q, so imagine my surprise when I asked about heartworm
protection and was told all the ferrets, the cat (who is sure he is
also a ferret) and the dog would all have to be tested for heartworm
before they could begin a preventative program and then would have to
stay on it (monthly) for duration. Rather confused I asked the doc
if the heartworm preventative wasn't ivermectin and she said yes. I
then pointed out we were dosing everyone in the house twice a year,
religiously, with ivermectin and had been for years. It was her turn
to be puzzled and she said 'good point'. It was never an issue again.

Ivermectin can be purchased at most feed stores without a prescription,
but heads up for you who do live in heartworm territory: there is a
good and valid medical reason doctors mandate that test before issuing
any product that can kill heartworms and the life of your loved ones
can be forfeit if they are infected and not managed properly. Be

Brenda, Momma to the FurpeopleWeyr

[Posted in FML 7800]