RIP Obee and Stix. Obee was at our best guestimate about 9 yrs old. He
had been with another family that couldn't keep him before joining us.
Obee was never a cuddly ferret, but did want to be around me when I was
home, and was an energizer bunny. He wasn't impressed with the other
ferrets but he tolerated them. He slowed down in his older years and
learned to enjoy the snuggly company of a few senior ferrety friends.
Obee had an abdominal tumor, insulinoma and adrenal disease. Obee left
us in the wee early hours, snuggled beside me a little over a week ago.
Stix was a rainbow about 6-7 yrs old that came to us from Colorado when
Gerri rescued him. Stixie was blind from a young age but it didn't let
it stop him. He had a habit of screaming at other ferrets, especially
if they were in a bed he wanted in. Stixie's screams were a usual
around our home, but it didn't mean he was being harmed, only that he
didn't want to be bothered or he wanted something someone else had.
Stixie loved Nbones and soup. He had insulinoma and adrenal disease,
and pasteurella. Yesterday morning I found Stixie very cold. I got his
body temp back to normal but he refused to eat. I tried again at
lunchtime and he still refused. Last evening I bathed Stixie and gave
him warmed sub-q fluids, and tried again to feed him. I was able to get
him to take 3 cc's but that was all. I gave hima nebulaizer treatment
to help his breathing (from the pasteurella). He slept peacefully
through the night - I checked on him several times. This morning his
breathing was slow, and I gave him a bit of sedative to help him stay
relaxed and asleep. Stixie peacefully left our realm 30 minutes later.
RIP Angels.

In memory of the boys, please spend a little extra time with your
fuzzies, give them extra playtime, cuddles and treats. And if you can,
and there is a shelter near you, please lend them a hand whether it be
by volunteering or sending a financial donation or gift.


[Posted in FML 7799]