Greeting oh wise ferret community.

We typically do not take in stray ferrets so we are looking to get a
supply "to-go basket" and checklist.

The standard intake is fairly easy. But what I am looking for are what
medications or cleaning supplies do you all keep on hand for this type
of situation.

The dog rescuer I work with speaks of parvocide but would we use that
around ferrets? And if so, where does one purchase it?

I do understand the requirement for quarantine. And we usually put a
flea med on them when they come in anyway. Cleaning ears and teeth is
usually day 2 or 3 depending on how badly they are stressing. Unless
there is an emergent need of course.

Kathy of Sammy's Clubhouse Spokane Ferret Rescue and Education
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[Posted in FML 7779]