Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol. 2013 Jan-Feb;(1):70-8.
[Population aspects of sexual dimorphism in guild of the Mustelidae:
Mustela lutreola, Neovison vison, Mustela putorius, Martes martes as
an example].
[Article in Russian]
[No authors listed]

Size sexual dimorphism was investigated on 695 skulls of four
Mustelidae species. By extent of increasing of differences between
sexes the species are placed in following order: European pine marten
(Martes martes), European mink (Mustelalutreola), American mink
(Neovison vison), and European polecat (Mustela putorius). Extent of
the dimorphism characterizes ecological plasticity of the species and
is population characteristic. It is shown that M. martes takes specific
and relatively narrow ecological niche of forest ecosystems, entering
into weak competitive relationships with smallerMustelidae species. The
level of sexual dimorphism of M. lutreola, N. vison and M. putorius
reflects intensity of its interspecific relationships within study
area. High level of sexual dimorphism of M. putorius is determined by
further divergence of ecological niches of males and females, and also
appears to be compensatory mechanism reducing consequences of hardened
environmental requirements.
PMID: 23662464 [PubMed - in process

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