Really? You're that upset over someones posts that are carefully placed
on the bottom of the FML and obviously marked as Nell's? You dont even
have to scroll! ::head hitting the desk:: Why should you "put up with
it"? It's called tolerance. And support for a fellow FML member that
is alone and going through hell.

Have you see how many posts there are a day on the FML this past year?
We're lucky to get 3-4, when in the past we got 25 a day without fail.
I respect anyones effort to keep this forum alive at this point. I am
so guilty of not putting in the effort as a member. I'm grateful when
people take the effort and time to contribute to this forum that helps
ferrets AND their people. Nell has helped a lot of people over the
years and is/was so active in the ferret community she actually went
to symposiums. I think I can shoulder some "too many" posts at this
point. If she wants to talk all year long it doesn't matter to me.
What matters is that I know she feels a part of this family and has
"somewhere" to go with her troubles. What matters to me is she stays in
the habit of communicating during this ordeal so her ferrets are taken
care of.

Am I saying you're not alone? No. Am I saying that you didn't
contribute a great idea for her in regards to a blog or something? No,
I thought that was a great idea (she could even keep running photos etc
within her posts there). But I am also saying the FML has plenty of
room for her posts nowadays, we need participants right now, the posts
are marked at the end of the list where you dont even have to lay eyes
on them and scroll through. I'm also wanting to not just give you
another way to look at all of this, but to point out to you that it'd
be pretty irrational to toss the most tried and best ferret resource
and the main connection to an entire community just because of
something petty like this. I dont know you, but I do implore that you
give a simple roll of the eyes when you see her posts in the title list
on the FML and shrug it off. What would really help, is if you start
contributing more and inviting conversation. Start some fun threads
that invite people to answer a question. Share what you did with your
ferret that day. Etc. Get people chatting. It'll be fun for you and for
others. Dont throw this away.

Wolfy, guilty of absenteeism

Visit Ferrets Magazine!

Sean and Rocky:

[Posted in FML 7752]