I may have confused your e-mail with anothers as I do get them. I work
full time and work full time at home, if I didn't respond to your last
e-mail ASAP, I apologize.

I do not adopt out privately bred feerrets to "first" time owners which
I consider you since it had been quite some time since you last owned
one. IMO the PBF is a little different than a PSF and since your
daughter is only 6yrs old I wouldn't feel comfortable placing one of
mine in your home for the child's sake as many PVF tend to play

As for not wanting to help you, evidently you also do not read all your
e-mails and if you did recieve this one, I also never heard back from
you untill yu sent me the copy of your post for today's FML.

This is the last one I sent out to you, you were "cc"ed in this:

Hi Brittany,

No, I'm not taking in ferrets at this time, BUT, here is the e-mail
address of a woman looking to adopt 2 ferrets. Contact her as she may
be willing to take them in. Here is her e-mail addy......
[log in to unmask]

I help rehome ferrets when I get e-mails from people wanting to
surrender and wanting to adopt ( have 2 lists, one for surrenders and
one for people looking to adopt). It is better for a ferret to go
directly to a new home from the original home when possible rather than
a shelter/rescue being the inbetween stop. Why you may ask?.......
Less stress for the ferret and smoother transition. Also this way the
surrending party can tell the prespecive adoptor everything about the
ferrets that are trying to be placed. I have helped place over a dozen
ferrets this way in the past.

So please do not give the impression that I was "not" willing to help

Debi Sadowski
Fuzzy Loving Ferrets

[Posted in FML 7761]