Dear [log in to unmask]

I'm sorry we didn't meet your expectations. However, I would ask for a
little slack. We are a very small (literally 3 people) group of people,
doing our best to rescue and care for unwanted animals. The woman that
reviews web applications is a physician's assistant, and works four,
ten to twelve hour shifts per week, with at least an hour commute each
way. She has a set of twins at home, that demand lots of time. Even
with all that, she still manages to review applications, and call or
send responses as appropriate. Does she get to them immediately? Of
course not.

I also get a copy of the applications, and I just searched for one from
the address in your FML post - I didn't find one. It is possible that I
deleted it, spam bots have found our application and we get several a
day with links that I would never, ever click.

I can't speak for the other two shelters here in NJ, but I know they
are like us - under-staffed and over-populated with animals. Animals
come first, then work (this certainly is not a job), and then
everything else. So, if you didn't get a response in the time you
expected one, I suggest you change your expectations. We are
volunteers, giving our time and money to help animals. We have no
"staff" - we are it. Nobody is sitting at a desk, waiting for an
application to come in, nobody gets paid for this. We do the best we
can, and if that's not enough, sorry. Animals come first, second and

I know this response is to an FML post from about a week ago, but,
guess what, I just to it.

Larry Anderson
Scales and Tails Rescue

[Posted in FML 7757]