First of all, I'm NOT going to post this anonymously, like a coward.
I'm going to post it using MY name and email address. I don't
understand all the negativity around Nell, either. If you don't want to
donate, don't. But don't come on here and bash her and put her down.
Have you ever been to a foreign country, let alone lived in one? And I
don't mean a first-world country. From what Nell tells us (I don't know
anything about it, as I'll admit I'VE never been there) Ethiopia isn't
exactly a shining beacon of morals, here. You have no idea what she's
going through trying to get back here. I'm sure there's paperwork out
the wazoo with trying to get all the animals back here. And she's said
about the shady dealings and how she's TRYING to sell her stuff.
Sheesh! 'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything
at all.'

~Tammy - a.k.a. Kesrael

[Posted in FML 7725]