Dear Anon.

Have you any idea of Ethiopan government?? I do, I've heard the horors
of it for years. Do you know about the theives and the theivery??? Do
you know that it is as common as breathing to have things stolen from
you like even the clothes stolen out of your own home. Do you know what
it's like to have more than half of your possesions stolen from you
with NO prosecution(Ethiopian Govt) I Do you know what it's like to
lose a yearling donkey to an almost unheard of disease in the US due to
inept and irresposible care from employees hired to take care of him.

You don't have a clue about why Nell is leaving Ethiopia. She is broke
because she has had so many things stolen, including money. (again,
among other things) Nell is getting out of there while she still has
what's left of her possesions. Nell is coming home, home to a friend in
Texas, a very, very kind friend who offered her a place to live, she
did not beg for one.

So whether you like it or not, Nell IS COMING HOME! And yes, i helped
as much as i could and that was enough, plenty Nell said.

Next time you want to flame someone, at least have the courage to use
your name.

Sue Pyron

[Posted in FML 7725]