Things I learned from my ferrets...

When you don't know what to do, bounce yourself off the wall and run
like you want someone to chase you.

When you find something you love, pick it up and hide it somewhere.

A cool floor is sometimes the best place to be.

If you're tired, sleep as long as you want.

Stand in between the giant's feet. Make *him* watch what *he's* doing.

A bad hair day only means you've been having fun.

There is no door someone won't open for you, eventually...

There's no reason to be afraid of the dark. The dark is where you're

Don't worry about being too small. You can still wreak havoc.

Life is short. Fun is long.

If you're going to climb to the top, no sense worrying about how
you're going to get down.

If anybody goes to the kitchen, follow them and get something to eat,

Sleep where you want, with who you want... just don't fight about it.

If someone bites you on the neck, roll over and bite them back.

Never run around someone if you have a chance to run between their

It doesn't matter who owns it, if it's in your mouth it's as good as

If someone hogs the covers, sleep on top of them.

You don't have to make a sound for someone to love you.

Don't worry about making a mess. Someone will clean it all up, and
you'll just make another one..

If you want to see things differently, lay flat on the floor and take
a look around.

If you go in the wrong hole, don't be embarrassed to scoot backwards,
tail first.

Sometimes the bag is more fun than the thing that was inside of it.

If someone loves you, it doesn't matter what color your hair is, or
what you smell like.

Get up really early in the morning, and tear things up before anybody
else gets up.

Check everywhere. There is always a way in. There is always a way out.

Give up when *you're* tired, and not when they tell you to.

If there's two of you, the chase is on...

You don't always get two clean socks.

There are no accidents. There's only fun and not fun.

Sometimes, letting sleeping dogs lie is your best opportunity...

It doesn't taste any different just because it fell on the floor.

If someone steps on your tail, let them know it hurts.

Never walk anywhere, when you can hop ahead of everyone.

Always test the cage door. It isn't always locked...

Albuquerque, NM
Roscoe, Stewie, Felix, Blue, White, and Blackie

[Posted in FML 7725]