Honestly, I don't understand all this. I've never seen anyone
**really** have all this bad luck. In these posts, its just problem
after problem after problem. Everything seems to be going wrong with
this person. Everyone seems to be deceiving her or cheating her.

In the beginning, she was asking for thousands of "donations". When she
is not getting nearly that, she reduces the amount she's asking for,
but she's still encountering all these crimes and deceptions and sad
stories, and still asking for money from people.

I hope this is not really true, and my logical brain tells me this
sounds like a possible scam. But if it is true, when is this person
going to be **really** responsible for all these animals she has
supposedly taken on? Great, so you can get yourself and the ferrets
out. What about the REST of the animals? If they are in such danger
there, how can you just leave them there? And not come back for them
for months?? I mean really, you can't even pay your own way for
yourself to get out of there? Didn't you think of all this BEFORE?

I really think she should be working her butt off to sell whatever she
can, work at earning her own money, whatever she can do, instead of
asking people to "donate" thousands of dollars every other day on the

My concern is for the animals. I hope all this is not really true, but
if it is, going forward, I hope this person is going to start being
truly responsible for any animals she takes on. Its only fair to them.

[Posted in FML 7724]