Being a daily reader of the FML, I read both posts: Ann Church's
offering of her use of Lupron and the response of Dr. Sandra Mitchell
regarding the Lupron described.

First of all, I find information on the FML invaluable whether I use
it personally with my ferrets or not. I would hope everyone would
share anything they find works for them.

I'm sorry Ann you feel that Dr. Sandra was attacking you. I did not
read that in the information posted, but you were the person posting
the information you wanted to share, so I can understand being
disappointed your sharing took a hit. It is personal to you.

I will plead with you not to abandon the FML. People come and go from
the cadre of ferret loving members and Face Book seems to have drawn
many away. But for its lifetime of 25 years, I think the FML has been
invaluable and will continue to be so. Posts like yours continue to
help others. If you disagree with Dr. Sandra's post so be it. And if
you have vets working with you and other's whom you have helped, and
their ferrets are alive and happy then there is your answer. The
Lupron is working.

I use things that work for my ferrets that my vet would never
recommend. They work, I have done my research and the proof is in the
ferret room that it works. Jillie should have been dead of kidney
failure in December and there she goes by right now, cruising her
'Hood and very much alive.

Every shelter Director has their own beliefs, goals and knows (or has
found out) what their heart and pocket book can handle. You have to
have a tough skin to have cared for all the critters you have in your
care, to handle the heart break of loss and particularly losing kids
you just were not able to save because they got to you too late. If
you can persevere through those events, then I suspect you can handle
a response to a post from another ferret loving person. Even if they
disagree. Keep sharing and turn the tough hide to any incoming
reponses. We need comments like yours from everyone.

I think the FML is a special place, but I do try to remember that it
too is simply a cross section of our world. There will be eloquent
posts, scientific posts, humor, advertising, arguing, unkind words,
disagreements, sympathies and kindnesses. It is all part of our world.

Today is a good day to do a good deed,
Cathy Ryan

Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 7724]